What has a golf ball got to do with a thought.
When I was a kid, myself and a few friends regularly "found" some golf balls...(On a golf course...)which we would clean up and try to sell them to the golfers. When the golfers wouldn't buy them back, We decided the best thing to do with them was cut them open and see what they were made of. As soon as we cut into them they quickly began to unravel. What was a small object would grow and grow. It turned into a big mess of elastic. With a tiny little bag (of glue) in the middle which is used to start the raveling process, I assume. For some reason, lately, this has been on my mind, I got to thinking about how , if I was to throw a golf ball at a pane of glass, or at someones face, it would do a lot of damage. It would break the glass or even break someone's cheekbone. If I cut into the very same golf ball and let it unravel and threw it at a pane of glass or someones face it would have no impact at all. It would slide down the glass, of may even tickle someones face.
I think limited thoughts and beliefs are the same. The thought is like the tiny bag of glue. The belief in the thought is the elastic that gets wound around and around. so much so that we cannot even see the tiny bag (original thought) and time is the hard cover that keeps it all together. When these three components come together, They are a force to be reckoned with.. It can travel a long way and can cause a lot of damage.
It might be time to cut into some of those old golf balls again.