Imagine you are standing on the side of a running track. Its One mile long and you are standing right on the half mile mark. Off in the distance a runner starts to run. You are totally unaware that he or she has begun. They get to the quarter of a mile mark, You are becoming aware that they are there. You begin to see them. As they get closer to the half mile mark you are noticing more and more of their features. Now they are at the half mile mark. Right in front of you. He, She is not the runner you want to win. You jump out in front of them. You try to stop them from going any further. You hold them up. Another runner is passing, This distracts you. You look away. The runner you were stopping get past and continues running. They get to the three quarters mark, They begin to fade out of sight. On they go over the mile mark and they are gone. The next runner starts to run. You are not aware they have started. You begin to see them as they approach the quarter of a mile mark. As they pass you let them go. Before you know it they are fading into the distance. They are gone from sight. They are gone....